Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Save your pennies, shower at work!

The kindly folks Eric works with had a Baby Beatles Bash for him today. I can't decide which is cuter: the animal cakes or the statisticians trying to sing...

Monday, June 25, 2012

Leader of the pack

Even Max is in the throes of project "Make Way for Babies!" He lost his beard. No dripping on the babies. And he's sort of making us feel like we took away a little piece of his soul (patch).

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Huls Head / Newton Noggin

Javier at 30 weeks, 1 day.

And Jessie upon hearing that his head measures 35 weeks...


BOB Revolution SE Duallie Stroller, on sale with baby registry discount: $450.

Jessie's first car: $100.

Yes, the car was used. But it was also assembled.

A New Blog

There's nothing worse than suffering through other peoples' happiness and good fortune on Facebook, so please check here instead of there for regular updates on the adventures of Javier and Molly.

(And no, we aren't actually naming them that.)