Friday, August 16, 2013

Elsie 13 Months Old

I turned away for 30 seconds and the food she was so nicely eating was no longer the least bit in its dish. And half of it had somehow been handed to her brother (already out of his highchair) so that he could cover the floor in it (since Elsie couldn't reach). My beautiful daughter is the embodiment of the word rascal. Today she high pitch screamed at the top of her lungs when Sam tried to take her toy and when he backed off she chuckled to herself. She danced to her own music as she plunked the piano. She stood in the middle of the living room unaided and beaming. She tried to walk but fell and hit her head on the basket of books. She didn't cry and she tried again. She took her shirt off somewhere in the middle of her nap. She tried to ride max like a horse. Two or three different times she looked at me until she had my attention, she waved at me, and then she went back to playing. I love my days with her. My Elsie Louise.